file Goddess... The Blackest Hate

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1 year 4 months ago - 1 year 3 months ago #1685 by Armorbeast
Goddess... The Blackest Hate was created by Armorbeast


The first humans to reach the continent of Europe actually evolved from a species of mandrill-like creature that was so violent, so self-destructive that by the time the first true ancestors of humanity arrive, they were all but extinct. From them evolved the a more advanced form of human that would later be replaced by a more dominant species built to thrive during the time of the Frozen Earth . Then came a dark-skinned people who wandered northward where they encountered the older race of humans and intermixed with them but their offspring would be few due to the difficulties involved where two species reproduce with one another. From this came the first golden-haired children whose skin was lighter and their strength similar to the old ones. But they also possessed the form of the newcomers and one among them became legendary as the "Golden One" who it was said dwelled among the spirits and who could bring forth warm rains and fertility.  

Walking between the two worlds allowed her to commune with the spirits but she would be physically mute and became associated with the swan both for this and how her hair became ghostly and white when communicating with the spirits. Her voice would be the whistling winds or warming fire, the whisper in one's ear when nobody's there for which others viewed her as being a ghost or even as a god or demon. The Golden One was not the only one with this ability as the first human-like creatures that existed here also developed this ability if only through their own madness and the butchery of their own kind. Although known by many names, these creatures would later become known as the Wight and ruled over by the Külmking who sought to return to Earth where they prey on humanity. The Golden One was a protector of humanity against this threat by learning sorcery from the shamans and spirits who knew more about the supernatural than the living.

When some of her peoples wandered across the ice pursuing seals, they would become lost and found themselves in a new land across the waters. As the ice melted and sea levels began to rise due to climate change , these mysterious peoples were forced to migrate inland bringing their knowledge of the Golden One with them. Here, they encountered and merged with a different people with which they became merged and faded into legend. These people were also aware of Wights but knew them as the Wendigo and had worshiped them with human sacrifice having inherited the practice directly from the creatures themselves who survived longer in North America than in Europe. When the Golden One was reborn among these people, she became a part of their legends where she, ironically, became forgotten in the Old World.

On occasion, other light-skinned people arrived from across the waters to remind them of the Golden One who legends stated had perished fighting a great evil called Mahtan'tu from the Spirit World thus protecting the tribes. It would later be discovered that she had survived the battle but was spirited away back to her ancestral lands traveling through the Spirit World where she possessed a child and grew to become remembered by the name Thyrvi Wälreow (meaning thunder fighter, fierce in slaughter), her descendants would remember her as the Drättning volur of Kvenland (Witch Queen of Kvenland). Her descendants intermarried into the English Ghent (well-born) and Frisian Alkema inheriting the name Ghent through the patriarchy. This new blended bloodline became known for alchemy, warfare, intrigue, and witchcraft making them feared more than respected with one divergent branch of the family becoming known for far worse.
The Story...

The Valais Witch Trials in Savoy France began a series of purges in the 15th century that culminated in one of the biggest witch hunts in 17th century Paris. This event was set in motion by the Affaire des Poisons in which a pair of notorious serial killers named Gaudin de Sainte-Croix and Marie-Madeleine Anne Dreux d'Aubray (aka Marquise de Brinvilliers) killed dozens, if not hundreds, of people while exposing a coven of murderous witches known as le Cercle de la Flamme d'Argent (the Circle of the Silver Flame). Merci d'Aubray married into the Ghentry family during this time and traced her maternal lineage back to the Dáirine (founded by the ancestor god Dáire Doimthech ) who were known for excessive cruelty. As High Priestess of le Cercle de la Flamme, she converted their worship to the demon Baphomet sacrificing her own newborn children to him and sparing only two over a twenty-five year period because their father was king Louis XIV .

Her first surviving child was a daughter named Adaig (aka night) and the second was a son named Aidan (fiery) who bore witness to their mother being burned alive at the stake because her crimes were too great for her to live. They would be spared by their father who ordered their Aunt Ealasaid d'Aubray to flee with them to the American colonies who took the name Elizabeth Ghentry renaming the boy Jonathan and the girl Aine . Aboard a frigate called the Aventurier , they arrived in Massachusetts Bay Colony where Elizabeth took a Moswetuset husband (the tribe from which the Massachusetts colony derived its name) and settled in the community of Widow's Township. Aine grew to womanhood where she married a man named William Dusk and Jonathan became indentured to a craftsman who taught him to make fine Old World furnishings when not logging to secure wood for his master.

Gaining his freedom, Jonathan found his skills were in high demand in nearby Salem Town and Ipswich where importing such products was expensive. These were yet dangerous times because these were the Burning Times in Massachusetts and Connecticut where witch hunts were still taking place. Aine had been raised to be a necromancer , a Keeper of the Dead and was well versed in studying human nature so as to almost be capable of reading their inner thoughts. She would recreate the Cercle de la Flamme finding Widow's Township ideal because it gained its name from the number of women dwelling there whose husbands had either died in battle or from the harsh lives they lived for survival. Women thus outnumbered men in Widow's Township which was unusual considering the majority of immigrants were men and they became drawn there seeking wives where they would become bewitched.

Jonathan, however, wanted nothing to do with this as he was immune to what was happening and remembered his mother's death knowing it meant placing his own family in danger. He had purchased an indenture named Lucy Killsin Barbon who was a childless widow eager for a large family and grateful to be free of her Puritan masters. She was ten years older than Jonathan but who was there to deny him her affections and soon they had a daughter named Mélissande followed thereafter by five more. Then Lucy became pregnant with a seventh child which Aine predicted would be a special birth that would be blessed by the spirits with a special soul and possessing great power. Jonathan began developing closer ties with the local Nipamaug tribe feeling safer among them than with "civilized people" and allowing them to provide a midwife marking Lucy to protect their unborn child.

Lucy gave birth to another daughter whom Jonathan would give a Christian name calling her Abigail (My father's joy) but which their Nipamaug midwife called her Koon'kookookhau (Snow Owl) in reference to her blinding white hair. Abigail would be a free-spirited child who might run about naked or leap into a nearby creek for fun but it was the rain she loved most. To feel cool showers upon her skin on a hot Summer's day and to dance about as if the very winds lifted her from the ground beneath her feet. Some would see her abilities as a blessing, but Jonathan understood this to be a curse as others might think her a witch. Abigail could also see and communicate with the spirits that surround us unseen by most even as they do not see us for the most part yet being mute to the physical world. Although mute, others seemed to understand her almost as if she were speaking to them in their heads and they might respond to her as if she were speaking aloud.

Animals also responded to her as if she understood them and they her with inherent dangers because large predators might still be a threat even if she did not fear them. When her father needed rain for their crops, it came. When devastating storms threatened, they were made still as if responding to Abigail's wishes. Aine's husband had perished in battle and she took a new husband named William Dusk who would commission Jonathan to make a grand table to celebrate. William Dusk had become wealthy by trapping, logging, mining, farming, and slavery while selling whiskey to the Natives to stir up conflict with the settlers. He also claimed to be a man of religious faith when his heart was actually black with sin knowing full well his wife was a witch but seeing this as beneficial to his cause, that being the acquisition of wealth and power.

As settlers took lands from the Natives, Dusk would take it from them in turn and he cared nothing for the tragedies his actions were creating for others. One of these Natives was a warrior who became known as Shkakw Kiwsuwakàn (drunken skunk) because he disgraced himself trading his own mother for a few bottles of cheap whiskey. Drunken Skunk knew of the Ghentrys and chose a day when he knew Jonathan was away to lead a raiding party of similar outcasts against their home. When Jonathan returned, he discovered that his wife was dead having been scalped and violated. Giving orders to send for William Dusk and the militia, Jonathan found he could not wait and gave chase after his wife's murderer soon finding himself among the Nipamaug. There, a woman named Weetanusk threw Lucy's scalp at Jonathan's feet telling him how her husband had come to her because Lucy had shot him and put up a ferocious struggle for her life.

Nipamuag warriors were dispatched to track Drunken Skunk and returned with him to face punishment. Tied between two long poles, Drunken Skunk would be lowered over a roaring fire where he was gutted and forced to smell his insides cooking in the flames before death finally took him. As was their way , Weetanusk then claimed Jonathan for her new husband and the two would be wed in a Nipamaug ceremony before he was allowed to return home a broken man with only Abigail greeting them because her mother's spirit had forewarned her that her father was returning. Two days had passed and much had changed but one final bitterness was made known to him as he was told how William Dusk was the one selling the Natives whiskey. This made Dusk responsible for all of these sorrows and many more as many had died because of his actions with one being Jonathan's beloved Lucy.

Abigail awaited to greet her father having been told of their impending arrival by the spirit of her mother and she alone embraced Weetanusk because her mother told her to. Jonathan only accepted Weetanusk because he was left with no other choice and with all these events transpiring as fast as they were, things were only going to get further out of hand. Furious words were passed between the two men when Dusk returned from searching and in his rage, Jonathan ordered Dusk to leave. As he departed, Dusk came across Abigail at a favorite swimming spot where she went to escape the spirits. Although a bit uneasy, Abigail emerged from the water allowing William to provide his cloak to cover her body and to dry herself unaware of Dusk's lustful desires for her. Witnessing storm clouds gathering out of nowhere on the horizon, Jonathan told Weetanusk to get everyone to safety in the cellar while he went to get Abigail from where he was told she had run off to.

As he neared the epicenter of the tempest, he witnessed several bolts of lightning striking and heard the ungodly screams of men fearing the worst for his daughter. Finding the men dead, Jonathan found Abigail staring blindly past him and took her in his arms as they rushed back to safety where Weetanusk discovered what Dusk had done to her. Lucy's spirit possessed Weetanusk to embrace her daughter hoping to calm her mind causing the raging tempest she had unleashed to abate. While this was happening, a traveler happened upon William Dusk who yet clung to life, and took him back to Widow's Township where Aine would tend to him over the following weeks beginning his recovery. paralyzed from the neck down, Dusk became enraged by what had become of him, William sent for a man named Jebadiah Cross who was a witch hunter by trade.

Cross called himself the Grand Inquisitor and "God's Holy Wrath", Cross seemed to possess a sixth sense for the supernatural and he could sense it at work in Widow's Township forcing Aine to escape with most of her coven before Cross set about his work. After purging Widow's Township of its remaining witches, Cross set his sights on the estate of Jonathan Ghentry which is the real reason he had been summoned. With a group of men from the town, he made his way there where Aine had already warned Jonathan that Dusk had survived and summoned this witch hunter who would likely soon be on his way there to get Abigail. She would depart with the children leaving Jonathan to face Cross with his manservants while she sought sanctuary among the Nipamaug for them. A week passed before Cross fell upon them with militiamen led to believe this tribe was responsible for several attacks against whites in the area.

Taken captive, Cross teased Abigail that it was a shame she did not remember him and laughed calling her a "little witch girl" as they journeyed back to Widow's Township. Throwing the survivors into the stables because they had no jail, Abigail was reunited with her father and Cross offered her family due courtesy at first before revealing what was on his mind. Approaching Abigail with an offer, he would let them all go if she would just promise him her soul as it was only her that he wanted. When her family objected and told her not to accept this devil's offer, Cross began inflicting tortures upon them as if to prove how correct they were that he was indeed the Devil or at least he was one of them. When Abigail's mother came to comfort her as she was made to look on at their suffering, Cross saw her and struck out causing the spirit to scream in agony becoming torn and as she was flung through the doorways between worlds into the realms of death.

Abigail might have lashed out again but Cross knew what he was doing as he had bound her hands and placed a mark in soot upon her brow that prevented this. Exhausting himself with the last of her family, Cross didn't seem willing to understand that she was a mute having repeatedly told her he knew she could speak. he then turned his rage against her and after beating her for hours, called for his tongue tearer to rip out her tongue in his frustration and anger not seeming to care if this was contrary to his stated goal. Only with the searing pain of this act would Abigail finally begin to remember events from her past lives, the things she had not known, and who this demon dressed in human flesh was who had made her suffer. He was called the Collector of Lost Souls and served as the right hand of Satan whereas Lucifer served as his left.

Sensing she was remembering, Cross realized he had lost his advantage and that he would not have the prize he sought as he had only succeeded in causing the opposite of what he sought. She was now becoming aware that she was a member of the Unholy and that Cross could not force her to give him her soul but he could cause her to willingly give it to him which was what he had been attempting to do. Because she refused to speak when he knew she possessed a voice, he broke her teeth and tore out her tongue only to have her blood spit in his face as she remained defiant. Grabbing her by the hair, he would drag her outside to a pyre from which emanated a horrid stench. Within the timbers were the mangled bodies of her dead and dying family stared at her with dead eyes knowing what was to follow. Cross could now feel the fear and rage within the girl knowing it was time for him to finish this before she finished him!

As she was lashed to the whipping post, Cross sermonized to the gathered crowd growing uneasy as storm clouds began gathering in the skies above him. Tossing a lit torch into the pyre, Cross departed because he knew what was coming next and that his master would be displeased with his incompetence. Glaring out at the gathering crowd, pure hatred filled Abigail's heart as they were like dogs gathered to feast upon a fallen doe. The smell of burning flesh beneath her assaulted her senses and as the flames began to blister her skin, lightning came crashing down upon Abigail causing the pyre beneath her to explode as she rose into the darkened skies. Now it would be their turn to know fear as they scattered seeking sanctuary from Abigail's wrath as the skies rained hell down upon them from the heavens as they begged God for forgiveness finding no answer in response save for hurricane-force winds and torrential rains.

When the storm finally subsided by the following morning, not a soul remained living within Widows Township which had been utterly obliterated around Abigail as she set foot once more upon the ground. Abigail found a child's toy belonging to one of the children killed by her rage but then she was a child herself when all of this had begun. But, a change began with her once she began to remember who she actually was as her body began to change and grow with her clothing falling from her even as she was placed upon the pyre because she was maturing physically into a woman. Unable to sense Cross within the mortal real, she could still sense William Dusk who she found lying in the ruins of his home outside of town where his servants had abandoned him. Thinking her an angel, he would instead be lifted into the air to stare into the face of pure hatred before being dropped into a cesspool of dead pigs where she watched the black muck suck him down.

Knowing there was no place for her in this world that would hunt her and seek her destruction as a witch, Abigail abandoned this world for the Spirit World where she began a new life learning more about herself. While fighting against the dangers hidden within this unseen dimension between the "Realms of Life" and the "Realms of Death", she held powers both of the flesh and of the spirit making her more of both and less of either. It would be there that Abigail became more of a true sorceress adopting the identity of Wampi Pauwau (White Sorceress or White Witch) in her battles against the forces of darkness threatening all the realms. Chief among these would be the Wendigo and the Manitou, the very spirits who had always been her hated enemies as the Golden One. Abigail would learn much from the spirits of the dead and from entities unknown and unknowing of Earth as she became a powerful sorceress within the Spirit World.

Keeping an eye on the world of man, Abigail would continue to seek vengeance on the Collector of Lost Souls but had learned more about him in this dimension and knew that none had ever destroyed him because his true self was an enormous spirit orb that remained at Satan's side. It was a battle between a group of Unholy calling themselves the Unforgiven and the Collector that finally drew Abigail back to the world of men because he sought to free the Manitou from the Spirit World which was now her home. She had fought many battles against these creatures and understood the devastation they would unleash upon the souls of the living not ready or deserving to be cast into death's embrace. She also found that another had assumed the identity of Jebadiah Cross and learned it had once been her mother's killer Drunken Skunk but whom Mahtan'tu had preserved as a Wendigo and the Collector had found use for.

Appearing in the skies above Boston, Abigail made an unintended spectacle of herself by enjoying her first cooling rain in centuries oblivious to the attention she was attracting on the streets below. Seeing the city, she descended to the sidewalk finally noticing her nakedness in a store window and summoning winds to reform some of her long flowing hair into clothing around her which disappointed some of her admirers. When asked who she was by a child, he heard her reply (in his mind) in Colonial Era British where he couldn't pronounce the name she had taken so he called her a Goddess which media misunderstood as what she was calling herself. Leaving to join in the battle against the Collector, Abigail turned the tide by summoning a raging storm and unleashing its fury devastating the minions serving the Collector allowing the Unforgiven to regroup and defeat him.

Abigail chose to remain and explore this new world as the Spirit World known to her only reflected the mortal realm in bizarre and twisted ways. She wanted to experience the world of men for what it was with all its limitations and frailties beginning with what became of her family bloodline. Her sister Mélissande was not among those slain with her family and her mother's spirit had told her that she was taken by a fleeing Nipamaug warrior to safety and she could sense that her descendants had survived to be found. Her search drew her to a mortuary near Tupelo, Mississippi where she found a body that bore an uncanny resemblance to herself and there found the spirit of the woman learning her name was Lynnette Hawkins who revealed she had been killed by a serial killer who tortured her to death. While the body had been damaged, Abigail took possession of it merging it's flesh with her wraith-like form and healing it in the process.

Taking the name Goddess from news reports based on her initial appearance, she seemed surprised that people argued about the voice they heard in their heads when speaking to her because even modern British did not speak with this particular accent. Goddess has a bit of vanity about herself as she knows she's beautiful and enjoys that it pleases others regardless of the reasons why. But she never smiles or laughs in her physical form as she is a tortured soul driven by sorrow and hate known to shed tears and equally seem enraged to the point of savagery. While her personality can at times invoke a sense of dread in her presence, she seems different in her astral form where she seems gentler and will even smile or speak. Although she is not afraid to kill, Goddess tries to restrain herself in the world of man because of human laws against it which she agrees to comply with unless left no other choice for which she then brooks no condemnation for her actions.
Goddess Facts...

Her current form is a mix of her past incarnations blending European and Native American traits with her hair becoming blond again when assuming her human guise. When she merged with this body, she sought out the man responsible for Lynette's murder using her connections to the Spirit World and his other victims led her to him. His name was William Dusk, a transient still driving Lynette's stolen car and who was a distant relation as well which was what drew him to Lynette whom he had stalked. Instead of killing him, Goddess used her lightning to burn him and opened his eyes to see his victims spirits so that they could inflict suffering upon him leaving him babbling incoherently by the time he was discovered. Since no one in Mississippi knew her, no one knew what had happened to Lynette so her spirit attached itself to Abigail helping her to drive back to her home in Massachusetts.

Driving was a new experience for her but Abigail enjoyed the challenge and arriving at Lynette's apartment at the Old Charlesgate Hotel , she was in for another new experience as Lynette's lover was a woman named Annette Benning. Forced to confide in Annette because she had no such interest in her, she found Annette receptive because she was intuitive and a psychic sensing Lynette's spirit whom Abigail gave her the ability to see. Abigail was to learn that Lynette Hawkins was a psychologist by trade but was also a spiritualist , an amateur criminologist and paranormal investigator all of which Lynette's spirit would help her to learn in order to better imitate her. She would also learn that Lynette and Annette were drawn to this location because there was a pocket dimension hidden within the hotel that they could not access but which made it seem haunted and which Abigail could access turning it into an inner sanctum between the worlds.

Lynette Hawkins had also been a writer detailing her experiences in a series of articles and books that provided her with a comfortable living that was a bit more fiction than reality. This would now change with the arrival of Abigail because the two women could now see and experience what they had only perceived in the past with Annette now ghostwriting for Lynette and Abigail who revealed her knowledge but had no interest in writing. Although Abigail was originally mute, in her new form she could use telepathy or speak in whispers that carried moreso on the wind sounding ghostly and haunting so Annette would often speak for her claiming her partner had suffered a permanent throat injury. Abigail would use her ability to communicate with spirits surrounding Lynette's patients making her far more effective as a psychologist and as a treasure hunter while sharing her knowledge with Annette who would ghostwrite for Abigail and Lynette writing what most thought was fiction.

As a criminologist, Lynette worked with a detective named James Bronson with Annette and this relationship would continue with Abigail but Annette would more often accompany him with Lynette's spirit now interacting more with the spirits to aid them. Meanwhile, Abigail's powers would not go unnoticed as a sorcerer named Lucifer Frost recruited her into Hellgate (aka Section 29 of Dark Ops) where she also made the acquaintance of a powerful necromancer named Nathanial Blood (aka Brother Blood). Finding her new life more exciting and adventurous, Abigail would remain in the mortal realm actively pursuing the things Lynnette enjoyed and joining with the Unforgiven in their activities on a far grander scale. Of peculiar interest to her though would be the attention she received as Goddess where she found herself an object of affection and desire particularly for her occasional nudity to which she has no aversion.

Something about Goddess differs when in physical form as she seems bound more by her negative emotions and is always angry or somber to those around her. Her physical form is something neither physical nor spirit being wraithlike , something in between able to become either or both. She can shift from physical to spirit which allows her to slip between worlds into the Spirit World and she must remain partially tangible to remain in the world of men. When she does this, her astral form can remain in this world but this form cannot do anything more than observe and move about as a ghost pointing to things those who can see her will notice. Goddess heals from any injuries that might afflict her when she does this and she can affect a sense of intangibility by merging with the winds using her elemental powers while remaining in the physical world.

Within the Spirit World, Goddess commands many supernatural spellcasting and energy manipulation powers making her a powerful sorceress in service to the Council of Enigmara as one of their champions. She loses these powers within the mortal realm where she possesses elemental powers commanding wind and storm. Wind is the most powerful of these elements but then you have thunder, lightning, and the creation of rain and snow. She can also cause weather patterns to become calm or to create conditions that reflect sunlight causing temperatures to drop or to magnify the effects of heat through humidity. All of these powers are, however, rather limited in scope to her proximity and the basic elements must be present as she has no power over wind in a vacuum, no ability to create rain or snow if there's no moisture in the atmosphere, and if there's no static charge in the atmosphere then she can't create lightning.

For all her abilities, it's possibly her hair that gets the most attention because it literally merges with the wind extending itself to move and reshape as she desires. Goddess can even summon what she called White Wendigo from it although she does so hesitantly because even these can be extremely violent and they serve her because she protects them and prevents the darker Wendigo and Manitou from possessing them. Her hair can grip and lift things, and change its shape sometimes giving form to unseen spirits simulating the form of one of the Unclean which are tentacled creatures that exist in the Spirit World that can grow to gigantic proportions. She had long battled such creatures both to protect the Spirit World and the mortal realm as there were many threats including the Manitou. Her hair can also form into wings although this seems to serve no purpose since they're not needed to fly.

Goddess generally has a darker skin tone because Lynette was descended from a Nipamaug ancestor whose mother integrated only when she became pregnant with her. Elements of all her incarnations resulted in her current appearance and while she can be physically injured, it heals almost instantly as she shifts into a less tangible form. As it becomes less tangible, her body becomes lighter allowing her to fly, and can become more spectral in form making her difficult to harm even if she becomes physically less capable. When somewhere between physical and spirit, Goddess becomes more wraithlike and her elemental powers greatly increase. While silent most of the time, one should not always expect this as when enraged, she can unleash a scream like a thunderclap unleashing a destructive wave capable of shattering glass up to a half mile, disrupting electronic communications, and even causing temporary deafness.

Art: Armorbeast
Song: Pure Hatred ~ Chimaira
Last edit: 1 year 3 months ago by Armorbeast.

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1 year 4 months ago - 1 year 3 months ago #1686 by Armorbeast
Replied by Armorbeast on topic Goddess... The Blackest Hate

Real Name: Abigail Ghentry
Public Identity: Lynette Hawkins
Date of Birth: May 3rd, 1692 // Place of Birth: Widows Township, Massachusetts (Goddess)
July 13th, 1990 // Place of Birth: Marblehead, Massachusetts (Lynette)
Legal Status: Vigilante (as Goddess); Law-Abiding (Lynnette)
Occupation: Paranormal Psychologist, Psychiatrist, Criminologist
Marital Status: Single
Citizenship Status: United States of America
Race / Ethnicity: Caucasian // Gender: Female,
Hair: White (Goddess); Blonde (Lynnette) // Eyes: Hazel // Height: 5ft 11in // Body Type: Slim / Muscular
Group Affiliation: The Unforgiven
Classification: Antihero // Supernatural Classification: Wraith, Storm Elemental, Sorceress
Known Relatives: Parents: Jonathan Ghentry (father), Lucy Killsin Barbon Ghentry (mother),
Weetanusk Ghentry (adopted mother)
Siblings: Mélissande (S), Sabrina (S), Winnifred (S), Eleanor (S), Phoebe (S), Adelaide (S)
Children ~ Maja Waelreow (when she was the Witch Queen of Kvenland)
Known Aliases: Thyrvi Waelreow (meaning thunder fighter, fierce in slaughter), Storm Goddess, Wind Witch, The Golden One, Gail Force, White Banshee, Black Banshee
Known Superhuman Powers: Strength Level: Average, Endurance: Class 7,
Shapeshifting: Level 3, Sorcery: Level 6, Elemental: Level 8


Not knowing her identity as a member of the Unholy, Abigail's existence was one of birth, death, and rebirth. For much of her early existence, Abigail was known as "The Golden One" as a result of possessing golden blonde hair that seemed to glow like the Sun when she used her powers. In each of her rebirths, she would manifest her elemental powers and use them to benefit the people she had been born into. Early incarnations known to her were during the Pleistocene Epoch (the Ice Age ) where different species of humans fought for survival but she is aware of other lives once lived but possesses less knowledge of those earlier lives. Using her ability to walk between worlds, she made battle with the Manitou both here and in the Spirit World as they yet lived upon the Earth at this time. There were battles yet to be fought there which were as important to the Earth's survival as any other and the dangers there could often be even greater than any in the physical world.

The saga of Agnarr Ofvægr (the Invincible) is a story lost to the ages which details one of Abigail's past lives. Agnarr Ofvægr was a 9th-century Viking warrior known for his ferocity in battle and his even greater ferocity when in a drunken state of mind. As a result of one such incident, Agnarr killed several innocents in a berserker inspired rage where he would be banished with six ships of outcasts and adventurers. Hellbent on discovering lands to the west, spoken of my other seafarers, they survived to reach what would one day be known as Delaware Bay where relations with the native Skraeling populations were initially good. Although his wife was with him, she was barren so he chose a skraeling wife who gave birth to a golden-haired child he named Thyrvi (named after the thunder god Thor) Walreow (meaning thunder fighter, fierce in slaughter).

An elderly Lenape spirit-talker learned that this child was the latest reincarnation of the Golden One and upon reaching adulthood, Thyrvi would battle a Manitou called Mahtan'tu , a demon far greater in power than others of his kind and who possessed her father to do battle with her. Their battles left many dead and his atrocities cursed the very lands he ruled over until Thyrvi ultimately defeated him. What survived of her father was now an old man too disabled to contribute anything to his people and who now longed for death to claim him. He would convince his daughter to return him to the lands of his father where they settled in Kvenland among the Wael where she was given the name Thyrvi . While named for a goddess worshiped by the Wael, Thyrvi proved to have an adventurous soul leading men into battle against the Svea until her elderly father finally fell bravely in battle with an ax in his hand.

With his place in Valhalla now assured, Thyrvi married a Prince of the Svea to bring peace to their warring peoples and had a son named for her father. Her legend would survive among a select few as the Drottning völur of Kvenland (Witch Queen of Kvenland) with members of her bloodline arriving in France during the Norman Conquests of the 10th century.


Formed by Lynette Hawkins and Annette Benning, the Paranormal Research, Occult & Supernatural Investigation Society was more a sideline venture for the two women who were both highly intuitive and sensitive. At first, they were more interesting in debunking and exposing charlatans at a time when it seemed ghosthunters were popping up everywhere making all sorts of claims. Surprisingly enough, they began discovering they possessed genuine talents for detecting the paranormal and began exploring things like Spiritualism where they discovered there actually was a Spirit World that surrounds the physical world. They earned a reputation for integrity often discovering hidden dangers like radon gas, white noise and other causes of physical discomforts mistaken for the paranormal that could actually kill people while seeking those who had already passed beyond the veil of our reality.

As their group grew, several members of law enforcement became members and they began using their talents to assist law enforcement. They began writing about their exploits and then discovered Old Charlesgate Hotel where they rented a condominium because they found that it was legitimately haunted. They learned that the hotel had housed occultists a century earlier who paid with their lives for releasing an unspeakable evil that consumed them and was only defeated when a sorceress named Lorna Dane Andrews sacrificed her life to stop it. At the height of their activities, Lynette was kidnapped and murdered which is when Abigail possessed her body and returned to assume Lynette's identity. Within it, Abigail discovered a pocket dimension which she converted into her Sanctum Sanctorum where she would practice her magicks and contain threats to both the physical and spirit realms.


Learning that she was Unholy meant that the cycle of death and rebirth of her physical form came to an end. She would now be truly immortal as she was literally immune to death even if her physical form might still be harmed, imprisoned, or even destroyed. Unlike other Unholy, however, Goddess can reform herself if destroyed by merging with the elements that are under her command. Choosing to battle alongside the Unforgiven provided Goddess a means to continue her war against the forces of evil. Chief among these for her are the Manitou, horrific man-like creatures more like mandrill's in appearance with savage teeth and a hunger for flesh... all flesh including humans! Of all the Unforgiven, she is most connected to Deathwish with his curse forced him to avenge the innocent dead and has formed a relationship with him monitoring his activities from her inner sanctum.

General Information

Goddess has been classified as an elemental and as a wraith but she is sometimes also considered a Bean-sidhe (banshee) because another of her powers is to whisper in an adversaries ear causing temporary deafness, bleeding and migraine headaches by changing air pressure. While she can communicate with telepathy, she can also read lips, use sign language and she knows many languages from her time in the Spirit World most of which are dead or forgotten. By becoming incorporeal, Goddess cannot pass through solid objects but she can seep through cracks and holes like wind... or just blast through something like wind shear. It is for that reason that she is sometimes called the Wind Witch but she possesses no spellcasting abilities on Earth in physical form. That said, if she becomes incorporeal, she can wield sorcery that has an effect on anything that exists in spirit form.

Within the Spirit World, Goddess commands vast mystical powers and she serves the Council of Enigmara who are the rulers over a vast region that becomes more physical within the Worlds of Shadow. Her knowledge of sorcery is quite extensive because she learned from many in the Spirit World not all of which are human or even from the Earth. But, the powers she wields are formed from spirit energy of which there is precious little in the mortal sphere of existence beyond that within living beings which obviously harms, or can even kill living beings if it is taken from them. This is one of the secrets surrounding vampires where witches invoke the spirits who can provide spirit energies from the Spirit World or who use dark magicks provided by demons. Her ability to speak telepathically is to communicate through the spirit by thought and she can provide the ability to see and hear spirits through touch but this is limited to one or a few spirits.

Another power that she possesses is an empathic ability to communicate with animals which isn't an ability to control or command but it can prove useful in acquiring knowledge from them or comforting them. Goddess has used this power to calm Black Manx (aka Korat ; Kora) when her animalistic rage takes control while Black Manx has more ability to communicate with one particular type of animal... cats. She became obsessed with modern sports and heavy metal music describing it as the wailing of burning witches which, oddly enough, appeals to her anger and somehow relaxes her by allowing her to vent her anger more passively. She even plays a Superstrat , a Jackson King V and a PRS Dragon . Like other Unholy, Goddess has spirit beasts with the first being a wispy white fox and the second is a white owl both of which manifest from her hair while faint outlines of each exist on her body.  

Art: Shibashake
Costume: Storm Goddess by Prae

Prae made this costume for me for this character and released it for V4 and A3. Shibashake then made this image with the costume. Both are highly talented creators with Shibashake having since gained much broader recognition and Prae has moved from clothes to hair models.
Last edit: 1 year 3 months ago by Armorbeast.

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