Over the past two years, AI art has taken off even for all the concerns. I use it myself but moreso to illustrate an idea than to claim anything about it being my art since the software does all the work and all I add are prompts trying to give it an idea of what I would like to see. beyond this, I really have little control over it. When it comes to video, we have seen possibly the greatest change as it's gone from blurry, choppy visuals to some almost true-to-life imagery. The same is also true with AI art but people seem to accept the video more readily. AI video is giving independent creators the ability to create some movie-quality shorts where people have had difficulty telling AI from reality. Even when it comes to writing, audio, and music generation it's advanced very far over the past two years.
Where I agree more controls need to be put in place, we believe there is room for AI art as long as you're not claiming it's your creation being the software does it for you. But, even this may eventually change as we're seeing a merging of AI with 3D now that's bringing new people into art. When it comes to our galleries here at DSA, we ask that you not upload AI art here. It's not discrimination in as much as you can generate hundreds of AI images in a brief period of time. We believe it has a place, however, as you can illustrate your stories and post AI art to show what you've created if you link offsite to an image hosting site like
I enjoy AI as something to play with to flesh out ideas and to see what the AI might give me. It actually can be a fun experience.
But I also use AI to improve and repair photographs. I use a site called
leonardo.ai/ which includes an Image Upscaler that allows you to alter your images using prompts. For me, this has been something of extreme interest as I've repaired a number of old photos using LeonardoAI's upscaler combining it with PSP and other software with various artistic tricks. If you've got some old, damaged photos, you'll understand what I mean as photo repair can be very expensive to have a pro do it and often the results are less than perfect.
As I've stated, it has its place as for those of you doing 3D or traditional 2D artwork, it can be used to improve your creations or postwork. It can be used to create background images for your 3D art and to turn 2D art into something more real-world.
But as the saying goes, the genie has been let out of the bottle and there's no putting it back in. So we are limiting how it can be used at DSA. We are not discriminating as our site is focused on the art you create yourself using your artistic talent rather than the ability to provide prompts into a software program and let it do the work. But for illustration purposes, post work, sharing background art for other people's usage in 3D, repairing photos, and maybe just horsing around to have some fun... all of this you may share in the forums.
I hope you understand and that no one allows any harsh feelings about AI to override your judgment. I remember when Poser came out and how people doing traditional 2D art or using image-altering software like Photoshop responded to it... it wasn't pretty. But today, 3D is everywhere and most artists use it if only to quickly create an image they can't flesh out in reality and then paint over it