dertyangelWatchers As battle plans were being made, their secluded spot was discovered by a watcher. Half made plans fell to the wayside as the final battle began. Elaura, having seen Seth use his powers many times, still felt nervous, she understood his logic and theories behind using her abilities, but had never do so before. The Watchers came over the horizon intent on their destruction, but she felt a swell of power form in her as she looked up and the writing creatures, she focused on that feeling and shaped it, willed it into being, and released it with a scream as it flowed out of her body through her hands and flew across the sky in a great purple streak! The watcher it struck began to disintegrate as the streak hit it, but no sooner had it vanished, more replaced it. Elaura looked at her hands and smiled in awe, " I got this!" she said as the battle of the skies beganeluarafight eluarafight
dertyangelReinforcements As they are flying towards the ocean, Vlad asks, "Seth, I duuno... was that who I think it was waking up?"The Metalhead answers "Yes, I think it is."Vlad responds "Just a thought but maybe... we should consider calling in the girls on this one?" with a hint of concern in his voice.Seth seems to consider it and says " You may be right, this whole reality is about to be flooded with an influx of his servents."They fly down to a deserted spot and Seth asks Vlad, "Well are you ready for this? We haven't called them into anything this catastrophic, we can't be sure they will know how to use their powers yet. If anything happens to Elaura or B, I will level this place myself.""Well, we can't be sure, but I think they'll be fine, if they think you're in trouble no one here will have a chance, if they know their abilities or not."Seth seems to consider this for a moment and says "You're right." he laughs and says "Well here goes.." as he snaps his fingers and a Puff of green smoke appears and as it clears away a woman with Black, Purple, and Pink hair is left standing bewildered. Elaura starts to speak, but Seth says, "Hold on" and snaps his fingers again, this time another is there, she has large Purple Ponytails and green and blue eyes. She looks around confused and spots the Metalhead Seth and Elaura. She runs to Seth and throws her arms around him and asks: "Is this another dream trip?"Seth looks at the both of them and answers "No, this is a war to save a multiverse, are you ready?"reenforments reenforments
MalvRefuse/Resist They came under the pretense of peace but it was only a short while before their true motives became clear, a harvest and then later a cull, Resistance cells formed in almost every major city but the enemy were well trained and well armed , This would be a war like no other, Humanities last standRefuse Resist alt DSA Refuse Resist alt DSA
dertyangelBlitzkrieg No sooner had that observation been said that a sound of a million locusts filled the skies and Wave two did begin, swarming around The Metalhead in a cacophonous stream. "What do you think Vlad? take to the air and fight them on their own turf?" he asked and the disembodied voice answered:"Lets put another shrimp on the barbie shall we?" as the voice was laughing the eyes of The Metalheads Hood began to glow and surround them and he rose up in to the sky!As the fight began again, streaks of green plasma arched across the sky and the people below watched as their new hero waged an impossibly uneven odds battle, they would disappear behind clouds and gargantuan monsters only to reappear moments later still shooting flaming arcs across the sky from his oddly shaped Ax. After what seemed like an eternity the smaller foes were vanquished and in disarray as the largest of the flying monstrosities came towards the glowing figure in the sky, he turned and began to fly straight towards it, and the Voice now known as Vlad could be heard yelling "It's too late for apologies...!" as the flew straight into the creatures massive eye on the front of its head. Their Glow dimmed and vanished and the people feared for the worst, but the creature seemed to convulse and began to write like an eel in the sky, and a streak was seem coming out the other side of it! As the creature fell from the sky a loud Rumble shook the entire world as an overbearing sense of doom engulfed it, the metalhead hovered in the sky and turned slowly towards the sea and disappeared from view.Blitzkrieg Blitzkrieg
myquadHybrid Harvest July contest thanks for lookingHybrid Harvest rs Hybrid Harvest rs
dertyangelThe Fiends The Brutish Fiends swarmed over the Horizon intent on the annihilation of this new apparition "Heads up," the ethereal voice says. "Incoming." The Metalhead stops his searching and looks at the swarm of giants rushing towards them. "Hmmm..." he answers back. He pulls a small black box from his pockets and pushes a button and loud hellish sounds are heard blasting through the air. He crouches down and green nebula ementate from his hands as he readies his futuristic ax for the battle. As the battle commences huge green explosions and yellow lighting rock the battlefield, the bodies of the Hellish fiends fly through the air. The fight rages through barren wastes, a trail of the corpses of the fallen fiends traces the path of the battle as it wages on. The fight comes to an end as the fiends are decimated, the screaming sounds of the Hellish beats comes to an end as The Metalhead surveys the fields. "Wave one?" he asks, to witch the ethereal voice just laughs.thefiends thefiends
dertyangelThe MetalheadAmidst the Chaos a green Crack appears and expands silhouetting a figure that steps through it, it looks to be no more than a teen. "This place looks oddly familiar." he says in a low voice and begins to scan the surroundings as if looking for something. "I know I've been here before, but this isn't what I was looking for..."A voice that seems to emanate echoing from some ethereal plane says "It looks like the place you went in the Anomaly maybe? I wasn't there soo.... but it fits the description, Creepy! Remind me why we came here again, lets just leave! I think you may have miscalculated for once, HA!"As the figure is walking through the Desolation deep in thought it is not long before he is noticed by the fiends of the Invasion he has somehow managed to invade!themetalhead themetalhead
dertyangelThe Queen Cataclysms and Wars always leave Death in their awake. The Seductress arrives to feast upon the souls of the dead, engorged with their essence she is a thriving beauty to behold, not the shrunken corpse one would imagine. It is easy to see why so many would choose to chase her into the Afterlife, but all of her sighed promises are as the smoke in the air, and vanish in an instant as she attempts to persuades the living to succumb to the madness and welcome it with open arms. With her arrival, the Remnants of the living hope is but a flickering light in the darkness and all hope seems lost.invasion3uncensoredr invasion3uncensoredr
dertyangelThe King Descending from the swirling miasma came the Yellow King. Almost radiant in his decent even the hounds stopped their baying to look upon his majesty. Some of the remaining inhabitants converted to believed him to be their god coming to save them and fell to their knees immediately, but their prayers fell on deaf ears as he waved his staff and a wave of waking nightmares invaded their minds! People ran screaming, some ranned their heads into walls in a vain attempt to get the images out of their heads, leaving them easy prey as the hounds continued their attack. Some wondered at what had awakened. Where these beings came from and how to defend against them as a retaliation was organized, but alas their weapons were too slow and to weak to hurt these invaders.kinginyellowcloser kinginyellowcloser
dertyangelThe Hounds Not only Jilly not hear her own feeble scream, she did not hear the chorus of inhuman screams as the Hounds ensheathed the world! They came as a swift breeze of chaos almost unseen in their speed, decimating everything in their uncaring paths of destruction as the invasion began. The people that managed to survive called out to their gods for help, but no answers were heard whispering back to them. But little did they know they had only just witnessed the beginning at the Greater Beings began to make their appearance.invasion212c invasion212c
dertyangelAwakened Jilly was walking through the park towards her flat after having an argument with her now, thankfully, ex boyfriend. She felt as if her heart had been ripped out and stomped on, nothing this bad could ever happen again. She would never let another person treat her like this again! As she walked, a great crack of thunder rolled across the sky, and she though "Just Great! And now it's going to rain on me the rest of the way, the perfect ending to a crappy day!" She hunched over to prepare herself for the deluge and noticed an eerie quietness, a stillness, not even a cricket for frog croaked to find it's next mate. It began to lighten great streaks across the sky, all seeming to come from a point behind her shoulder. As Jilly turned to look, she felt a desperate lump form in her throat that seemed to be stuck as her heart stopped... a great Rip had appeared in the sky and a huge eye was looking through it that seemed to have even more eyes inside it! It looked hungry and unfeeling as it twitched and darted slowly about and it's eldritch focus seemed to focus on her. Jilly felt her mouth open to scream but it went unheard as her sanity vanished at its gaze.awakened awakened
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Victoria 4.2, DAZ Studio 4.12, Photoshop CC...
MysticBlueRavenTheWatcherMBR TheWatcherMBR
The Watcher
the3dgmthe3dgm | 4 years agoNOT Poser!
the3dgmthe3dgm | 4 years agoFigured it out!Steven Eighner | 4 years agoYes you did lolHolly Burson | 4 years agogreat pic! how did you figure it out?the3dgm | 4 years agoSorry MQ, it does not notify on comments. Did you see AB's instructions? It's rather simple once you get by the look of the interface! Click 'Manage Galleries', click 'Manage Images' in the gallery you want. When the interface pops up click 'Add Files', select the image off your hard drive and open it. Click 'Start Upload' a thumbnail shows up, then just go to Galleries select the gallery you chose and Bob's your uncle! LOL
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