Hey guys. If you run into problems, please do keep telling us. If you hear from friends or just online that someone else had a problem here, let us know about that also.
We just found a major bug with the contest gallery thanks to Margy that I don't think anyone noticed because no one posted to the January gallery or did but deleted the image.
We want to have a great site built around you and Mest wants to make us more mainstream. Remember, I'm only majority owner and boss, we have someone else with us now who will have his own ideas where to take this site in the future. He goes by different monikers of Mestopheles, Mighty Mestopheles, Mestopheles with a bunch of letters and numbers added (lol) and D.B. Cooper among other names
Maybe one of these days we can get him to talk to you and tell you more about what he envisions... that or I cobble together a bunch of his comments from other sources and cobble them together pretending to be him